Pyrethrum is a botanical insecticide produced
primarily in the flowers of Tanacetum cinerariaefolium, a species
of the chrysanthemum plant family. Pyrethrum is an ancient insecticide
that has been used effectively to control insects for decades
and is non-persistent, decomposing rapidly in the environment.
This rapid degradation of pyrethrum has resulted in little known
cases of insect resistance, making it an excellent choice for
the control of agricultural pests.
The insecticidal properties of the flowers were
documented in the early 1800's but it is suspected that the flowers
were used to kill insects a considerable time earlier. The first
commercially available products were powders made from ground
flowers and later crude oil extractions became popular.
Today the refining of crude pyrethrum extract
to remove the plant material, waxes, etc. is a highly complex
process resulting in a very high grade product. In East Africa
the mature phrethrum flowers are picked by hand, sun dried to
remove moisture and sent to a processing plant for extraction
of the active ingredient-pyrethrins, a misture of six closely
related esters. The flowers are sun dried and processed to extract
the insecticide grade pyrethrum.
Pyrethrum is non-toxic to humans and other
mammals and is considered biodegradable as well as water soluble.
It is sought for sensitive applications like the post-harvest
treatment of fruits and vegetables. Pyrethrum is so safe that
the U.S. Government approves its use on such insect-prone foods
as tomatoes, even while they are on their way to the supermarket
or processing plant.
Knockdown Effects
Pyrethrum affects and inhibits the nervous system of insects by
causing multiple action potential in the nerve cells by delaying
the closing of an ion channel. Nerve cell membranes have a specific
electrical charge. Altering the amount of ions (charged atoms)
passing through ion channels causes the membranes to depolarize
which, in turn, causes a neurotransmitter to be released. Neurotransmitters
help nerve cells communicate. Electrical messages sent between
nerve cells allow them to generate a response, like a movement
in an animal or insect.
Pyrethrum acts as a contact poison, affecting
the insect's nervous system. Pyrethrum, when combined with a synergist
that works by restrictng an enzyme insects use to detoxify it,
then becomes one of the fastest acting insecticides known. Even
before it kills, it knocks down and paralyzes insects almost immediately.
Jamming & Resistance
Apparently small amounts of pyrethrum can jam the "black
box" of the insect's food searching mechanism. The insects
forget to eat, as it were. After decades of use, no insect population
has ever developed significant pyrethrum resistance.
Low Cost Refills
We use and recommend the product RIPTIDEtm
produced by the firm McLoughlin, Gormley, King
and containing pyrethrum in concentrate which is mixed in solution
with water to fill the 55 gallon reservoir of the system, thereby
providing a thorougly effective misting element to completely
rid your yard of the infesting insect element.
Priced at $200.00 per
refill if we come to your home and do it.
Priced at $140.00 per
refill on a Do-It-Yourself basis shipped directly
to you.
you are always assured of using only the most user-safe, finest
quality insect killing substance in your system.